1、Abrasion Resistance 耐磨性:
a. Martindale:BS 5690 TM112 FZ/T 20020、JIS L-1096 ASTM D4966、BS / DIN EN ISO 12947 AS 2001.2.25、GB/T 21196
b. Stoll Flat Abrader:ASTM D3886-2007* JIS L-1096 (Woven)*、JIS L1018 (Knit)* AS 2001.2.27-1990
c. Flex Abrasion:ASTM D3885-2007 JIS L-1096 (Woven)、AS 2001.2.26-1990
d. Accelerotor:JIS L-1018 (Knit) JIS L-1096 (Woven)、AATCC 93(Pile loss)
e. Flat Abrasion (Frostig):AATCC 119-2004 AATCC 120、AS 2001.4.22-1991
f. Taber Abrasion:ASTM D4685-2007 AS 2001.2.28-1992、ASTM D3884 – 2007 ASTM D4060
g. Oscillatory Cylinder Method:ASTM D4157 ASTM D3597:7.4(1995 version)
h. Abrasion test for Socks:EN 13770-1
2、Pilling Resistance 抗起毛起球性
a. ICI Pilling box ICI 起球箱法:BS 5811、DIN EN ISO 12945-1、JIS L-1076、TM152、GB/T 4802.3
b. Random Tumbler 随机滚动法:ASTM D3512、CAN Method 51.2、JIS L-1076*
c. Martindale:TM 196 ASTM D4970、SN 198525 BS/DIN EN ISO 12945-2
d.Elastomeric Pad method:ASTM D3514
3、Snagging Resistance 防钩丝
a. ICI Mace Snag Tester:ASTM D3939 JIS L-1058A-1995 GB/T 11047-A、PD 6527-19 TM 176、CAN/CGSB -4.2 No.60-M89
b. ICI Snag Box:JIS L-1058D-2、FAB 29
c. Bean Bag method:ASTM D5362
4、Wrinkle / Crease Recovery 皱纹 / 折痕回复性
a. Recovery Angle Method:AATCC 66 DIN / BS EN 22313、CAN / CGSB-4.2 No. 45 ISO 2313、JIS L-1018 (Knit) JIS L-1096 (Woven)
b. Appearance Method:AATCC 128 ISO 9867
5、Stiffness* 布料硬挺度:ASTM D1388、BS 3356、ASTM D4032、JIS L-1018、JIS L-1096、AS 2001.2.9
6. Stretch and Recovery 伸展及回复性
a. Frymer Extension Meter:BS 4294 JIS L-1018(knit)、JIS L-1096(woven)
b. ASTM D2594 (Knitted Fabric):ASTM D3107 (Woven Fabric) 、BS 4952 (Elastic Fabric) JIS L-1018、JIS L-1096 ASTM D4964 ASTM D6614*
DIN 53835-13/14*
d. EN 14704-1
7、Water Repellency 防水性
a. Spray Test 喷淋法 AATCC 22 DIN / BS EN 24920、CAN method 26.2 ISO 4920 JIS L1092、AS 2001.2.16 GB / T 4745
b. Cup test* 杯子实验法 U.S.Custom Rulings
c. WIRA Shower (As Received)* WIRA 淋雨法 BS 5066
d. Hydrostatic Head 静水压试验法 AATCC 127 DIN / BS EN 20811、JIS L-1092-A AS 2001.2.17 ISO 811、GB / T 4744 JIS L-1092-B ISO 1420*
e. Bundnessman DIN 53888* BS Handbook No.11*、ISO 9865# BS EN 29865#
f. Rain Test 淋雨法 AATCC 35
g. Cone test AS 2001.2.18
h.Water/Alcohol solution test AATCC 193
i. Impact penetration test AATCC 42
8、Oil Repellency 防油性:AATCC 118 ISO 14419
9、Soil Release 防污:AATCC 130
10、Fibre Percolation纤维穿透:In-house Method
11、Flammability 燃烧性 -美国相关燃烧标准及法规
a. Textiles & Clothing 普通织物燃烧试验 i) ASTM D1230、US CPSC CFR 16 Part 1610 美国 消费品安全委员会 联邦法规 16 部分 1610 章
b. Children’ s Sleepwear 美国儿童睡衣燃烧试验 DOC FF3 US CPSC CFR 16 Part 1615 美国 消费品安全委员会 联邦法规 16 部分 1615 章
商务部标准 FF3, 尺寸 0-6X、DOC FF5 US CPSC CFR 16 Part 1616 美国 消费品安全委员会 联邦法规 16 部分 1616 章
c.Hazardous Products Act ASTM D1230-61
d.Tents 帐篷
i) CPAI – 84 国际工业用布协会第 84 号标准
ii) ASTM D4372 野营用帐篷阻燃试验
e. Rate of burn standard for sleeping bags 睡袋燃烧速率
i) CPAI – 75 国际工业用布协会第 75 号标准
ii) ASTM F1955 Flammiability of sleeping bags 睡袋的燃烧性
f. Filling materials used in upholstered furniture 用在软垫家具上弹性材料:TB 117(Section 1: Cover Fabirc 表面材料/Section 2: Barrier Materials 屏障材料/Section 3: Filling Materials 填充材料/Section 4: Decking Materials 装饰材料 )
g. Blanket 毛毯 ASTM D4151#
12、Flammability 燃烧性 -英国及欧洲相关燃烧标准及法规
a. U.K.Flammability 英国睡衣燃烧试验 U.K.Nightwear Reg.85;SI 1985 No.2043 英国睡衣安全法规 85;1985 年法规文件第 2043 号/BS 5722 / BS 5438 /BS 5651
b. Burning Behaviour of Children’s Nightwear:EN 14878(as received sample) 520
c. BS 6341 Fabrics for camping tents 野营帐篷织物燃烧性 sing BS 5438:1976 (after one leaching/flexing according to BS5651)
d. BS 7837 Marquees and similar textile structres 大帐篷及类似结构 (after one water soaking according to BS5651:1999)
e. Curtains and drapes 幕布和窗帘 BS 5867-2: 2008 Fabrics for curtains and drapes 幕布和窗帘用布
A 型 : flame method BS EN ISO 6941:2003
1.Can be washed:(as received sample & after 12 washes)
2.Can be drycleaning:(as received sample & 6 drycleaning cycles & 1 cycle soaking)
3.Can’t be washed & Can’t be drycleaning(as received sample + 1 cycle soaking)
B 型 :BS EN ISO 15025:2002
1.Can be washed:(as received sample & after 12 washes)
2.Can be drycleaning:(as received sample & 6 drycleaning cycles & 1 cycle soaking)
3.Can’t be washed & Can’t be drycleaning(as received sample + 1 cycle soaking)
C 型 : BS EN ISO 15025:2002 (as received sample & after 50 ISO10528 wash cycles) 3600
f. Bedding Items 床上用品 ISO 12952-1:2010
i) Flammability test after 5 wash cycles ( 水洗 5 次后的燃烧 )
ii) Flammability test after 5 dry cleaning ( 干洗 5 次后的燃烧 )
g. Sweden Fire Properties of Apparel Textiles 瑞典服装用纺织品燃烧性能/KOVFS:1985 瑞典消费者政策局法规, 1985 年
13、Flammability 燃烧性 -加拿大相关燃烧标准及法规
a. Flammability (Canada) Hazardous Product(Children’s Sleepwear) Regulations SOR/87-443 加拿大危险品(儿童睡衣)法规
b.CAN/CGSB-4.2 No.27.5-2008
14、Flammability 燃烧性 -澳大利亚相关燃烧标准及法规
a. Australia Children’s Nightclothes澳大利亚儿童睡衣燃烧试验:AS/NZS 1249
i) Flame Spread test ( ISO 6941) 、ii) Surface burning time (ISO 10047) 、iii) Design/Physical assessment only、iv) Label durability
AS 2755.2 BS/DIN EN ISO 6941
15、Ease of Ignition of Vertically Oriented Specimens 垂直向试样易点燃性
a. AS 2755.1 (As received )
b. AS 3789.10 (As received)
c. ISO 6940 ; ISO 10966 ; BS/DIN EN ISO 6940 (As received)
d. EN 1101 ; EN 1103 (As received)
e. ASTM D6413(As received )
16、Surface Flash 表面闪燃 CAN/CGSB-4.2 No.27.10 475、AS 2755.3 (As received)、ISO 10047; BS 4569 (As received)
17、 Surface Flammability of Carpets and Rugs 地毯燃烧测试
a.Tablet 片剂试验 ASTM D2859 ISO 6925 BS 6307、DOS FF1 US CPSC CFR 16 Part 1630、DOS FF1 US CPSC CFR 16 Part 1631、BS4790* GB/T 11049 CAN/CGSB-4.2 No 27.6
b.Hot metal nut test* BS 5287 / BS 4790
18、Wettability 润湿度 BS 4554
19、Absorbency of Bleached Textiles 漂白纺织品的吸水性:AATCC 79 AATCC TS-018
20、Wicking 吸水:JIS L1907 Byreck Method、BS 3424 Part18 AATCC TS 017、AATCC 79 BS 7033 part 3 BS 3449
21、Absorption of terry fabrics 厚绒布织品表面吸水性:ASTM D4772 340
22、Absorption of Towels Fabric 毛圈织物吸水性能:EN 14697 Annex B 250
23、Air Permeability 透气性:ASTM D737 DIN 53887 ISO 9237 AS 2001.2.34 540、BS / DIN EN ISO 9237 JIS L-1096 GB / T 5453
24、Water Vapour Permeability index 透湿指数:BS 7209 BS 3424 Part 34 BS 3546 Part 4 390
25、Thermal Stability of Coated Fabric 涂层织物之耐热性:DIN 61536
26、Water Vapour Transmission 透湿性:
ASTM E96 390
Test Method A – Desiccant method at 23oC 方法 A– 干燥剂法 , 环境温度 23oC
Test Method B – Water method at 23oC 方法 B– 蒸馏水法 , 环境温度 23oC
Test Method BW – Inverted Water method at 23oC 方法 BW– 蒸馏水倒杯法 , 环境温度 23oC
Test Method C – Desiccant method at 32.2oC 方法 C– 干燥剂法 , 环境温度 32.2oC
Test Method D – Water method at 32.2oC 方法 D– 蒸馏水法 , 环境温度 32.2oC
Test Method E – Desiccant method at 37.8oC 方法 E– 干燥剂法 , 环境温度 37.8oC
JIS L 1099: 2006 390
Test Method (A-1) – Desiccant method at 40oC 方法 (A-1)– 干燥剂法 , 环境温度 40oC
Test Method (A-2) – Water method at 40oC 方法 (A-2)– 蒸馏水法 , 环境温度 40oC
Test Method (B-1): CH3COOK method (30±2℃ ) 方法 (B-1)– 醋酸钾法 , 环境温度 30oC
Test Method (B-2)- CH3COOK method (30±2℃ ) 方法 (B-2)—- 醋酸钾法 , 环境温度 30oC
ISO 2528 390
Test method A:Desiccant method at 25oC and 90%RH 条件 A: 温度 25º±1ºC, 相对湿度(90±2) %
Test method B:Desiccant method at 38oC and 90%RH 条件 B: 温度 38º±1ºC, 相对湿度(90±2) %
Test method C:Desiccant method at 25oC and 75%RH 条件 C: 温度 25º±1ºC, 相对湿度(75±2) %
Test method D:Desiccant method at 23oC and 85%RH 条件 D: 温度 23º±1ºC, 相对湿度(85±2) %
Test method E:Desiccant method at 20oC and 85%RH 条件 E: 温度 20º±1ºC, 相对湿度(85±2) %
ISO 15496、ISO 14268 DIN EN ISO 14268、ISO 11092# EN 31092# 3500、DIN 53122-1*
27、Water Vapour Transmission rate for plastic film & sheet* 塑料膜和薄板透湿性:ASTM F1249
29、Dry Fit function 快干综合功能
a.Wicking performance JIS L1907 200
b.Breathable performance BS7209 390
c.Freedom of Air Movement ASTM D737 540
d.Drying Rate JIS L1096 180
30、Cold Bending Test for Coated Fabric 涂层织物的低温弯曲度测试:ASTM D2136、ISO 4675 NF/ DIN/ BS EN 1876-1
31、Brittleness Temp. of Plastic Sheeting* 塑料脆化温度:ASTM D1790 (Temp. should be provided) 905
32、Antistatic 防静电:AATCC 115* AATCC 76 DIN 54345-1 Part 1 7.1:1992 505、GB/T 22042 EN1149-1 EN 1149-2、DIN 54345-1 Part 1 7.2:1992
33、Thermal Resistance 保暖度 ( 生理舒适性:ASTM D1518* BS 4745(ISO 5085-1)* GB/T 11048 method A # ISO 11092# EN 31092# ASTM F1720* BS 5335-1# ISO 15831*
34、UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) 防紫外光系数:AS/NZS 4399-1996 AATCC 183 870、GB/T 18830-2002、BS EN 13758-1(BS EN 13758-2)
Penetration P of solar UVR 紫外线穿透率 BS 7914 AS 4174 Appendix B*
35、Antibacterial finishes on textile material assessment# 抗菌测试:定量:AATCC 100
36、Antibacterial activity assessment of textile materials# 抗菌测试(定性):AATCC 147
37、Antibacterial activity assessment of textile materials# 抗菌测试(定性):EN ISO 20645: 2004 (双面)纺织品 抗菌活性的测定:琼脂扩散木片实验
38、Testing Method for Antibacterial of Textiles# 纺织品的抗菌活性和效率的测试:JIS L 1902:2008(定量)JIS L 1902: 2008(定性)
39、Standard Practice for Determining Resistance ofSynthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi# 合成高分子材料抗真菌性的测定:ASTM G21-2009
40、Determining the Antimicrobial Activity of Immobilized Antimicrobial Agents under Dynamic Contact Conditions# 在动态接触条件下固定抗菌剂抗菌活性测定的标准试验方法:ASTM E2149-01
41、Antifungal activity,assessment on textile materials: mildew and rot resistance of textile material# 纺织品的抗真菌能力的评估纺织品的抵抗霉变和腐烂的能力:AATCC 30-2004 test Ⅲ 黑曲霉平板法
42、Method of test for fungus resistance# 抗真菌测试方法:JIS Z 2911:2010 Method 7、纤维制品的检测(湿式法)
43、驱螨效果测试:农药检(生测)函(2003) 45 号附件 8 灭 . 驱螨试验方法与评价标准、GB/T 24253 纺织品防螨性能的评价(a. 驱避法 b. 抑制法(7 天或 14 天) c. 抑制法(28 天) d. 抑制法(42 天))FZ/T 62012-2009 防螨床上用品:附录 A: 试样洗涤试验方法 单次洗涤 50、附录 B: 防螨性能检验方法、FZ/T 20004-1991 利用生物分析防蛀性能的方法
44、防蛀性能:附录 B: 防螨性能检验方法 3150
45、Antimicrobial activity assessment of Carpet 地毯抗微生物活性的评定
AATCC 174-2007 I. 地毯抗细菌活性定性评价:单条划线法 420/ 菌
AATCC 174-2007 II. 地毯抗细菌活性定量测定 945/ 菌
AATCC 174-2007 III. 地毯材料抗真菌活性评定(地毯材料的防霉防腐) 1050/ 菌
46、Textiles-Determination of antibacterial activity of antibacterial finished products:Absorption method# 纺织品抗菌性能定量测试 : 菌液吸收法:EN ISO 20743:2007,Staphylococcus Aureus ( 金黄色葡萄球菌 ) ATCC 6538,Klebsiella pneumoniae(肺炎克雷伯氏菌) ATCC 4352、耐性金黄色葡萄球菌 MRSA 1575
47、Stain Resistance* 圈绒地毯的耐染色性:AATCC 175 315
48、Detection of Holes in Medical Gloves# 医用手套破洞测试:ASTM D5151 365
49、Low temperature test Impact test on loop* 涂层织物低温性能的试验:BS 3424: Part 8 EN 1876-2(Max.-40℃ )
50、Infrared reflectio(IRR)红外线屏蔽测试:In-house Method(@600-1200nm) 780 per color
51、Harmonized Microbiology General Chapters in the United States# 美国药典抗菌测试USP 61 1890
52、Minus ion textile test* 负离子 In-house method