Zipper Tests 拉链测试
1、Zipper Strength 拉链强度:ASTM D2061、BS 3084、AS 2332、SABS 1822、NF G91-005、DIN 3419-1
2、Durability of Zipper 拉链耐用度:BS 3084、AS 2332
3、Rust / Tarnish Test of Metallic Finishes 金属品防锈及腐蚀性
a.In house method ISO 22775 method 2
b. EN ISO 20344/EN 344 PART5.6.2 EN 12568: 1998 section 7.1.1 480(48 hours)
c. Copper acetic acid salt spray 酸性盐雾试验:ASTM G85、BS 7479、ISO 9227
d. Neutral salt spray 中性盐雾试验:ASTM B117、BS 7479、ISO 9227
4、Bite test 咬合测试:AS/NZS ISO 8124-1
5、Torque Test for Zipper Puller 拉链柄扭矩力:ASTM D2061
6、Zipper Insertion 拉链插入:ASTM D2062
7、Operability of Zipper 拉链顺滑度:ASTM D2062
8、Retention of Top stop/Bottom stop 拉链上止 / 下止保持力:ASTM D2062
Button Tests 纽扣测试
1、Attachment Strength of Snap/Button / Rivets 钮扣的紧固性:ASTM F963、AS/NZS 8124.1、US CPSC 16 CFR Part 1500.51(f)/52(f)/53(f)、ASTM D6644
2、Separation Strength of Snap 分开钮扣力度:In-house Method,Unsnapping of Snap Fastener ASTM D4846
3、Resistance to Steam Pressing 抗蒸气夹板能力
4、Resistance to Ironing* 抗熨能力:In-house Method,BS 4162
5、Impact Test 碰撞测试:In-house Method、BS 4162、ASTM D5171
6、Snap Durability 耐用度:In-house Method -max.3 snaps
7、Compression 压缩力 * Per Garment /style
8、Attachment Strength of Strap/handle 带索 / 手柄紧固力:BS 5131:5.11(Max. 5/per sample) 、In house method NF G92-005 NF G92-007
Other Tests 其他测试
1、Shear Strength of Velcro Tape 魔术贴拉力:BS 7271、ASTM D5169、BS EN 13780
2、Peeling Strength of Velcro Tape 魔术贴分离强度:BS 7271、ASTM D5170、BS EN 12242
3、Touch and Close Fasteners 魔术贴粘合牢度(耐用度)
4、Other accessories Pull Test 拉力 CRE Tensile Tester
5、Tear Resistance of Rubber or Plastics or Coated Fabrics 橡皮、塑料、涂层材料的防撕裂:ISO 4674-1
6、Abrasion Resistance of Rubber or Plastics or Coated Fabrics 橡皮、塑料、涂层材料的耐磨性:ISO 5470-1-1999